I am content with one

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my daughter. I am so blessed to have her in my life. I know deep down I want more children though. I had a conversation with my gf about having children. She too struggled to get pregnant and is actually due with her first child. She told me I should be content with what I have.

I agree with her. When I see so many women struggling to get pregnant and many of you losing your children I see how blessed I am with what I have. I am content with one child. It’s always weird to talk to fertiles and they are shocked when I say I want 3 more children.. Why do you want so many?? Well I want as many as God will give me. As many as my body can handle.

There is a reason I went through HELLP., there is a reason God chose me to have a miscarriage. I struggled a lot when I lost my baby but it made me stronger and more loving toward my husband and my daughter..

I have realized that I am content with one child. I am okay with having one child living here with me. I am blessed with what I have. I am okay.

Because in the end what I want is not what I need. God knows better than me. And I am okay with that.